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With an eventful 2020 in the rearview mirror, we finally have a new year ahead of us. Last year’s most important events can be found in the annual chronicle from 2020. Last year included new releases and major updates for both Kryptokrona and Hugin. XKR was listed on its first exchanges, the number of miners increased significantly and the XKR hashrate broke new record highs.

With a community that is growing larger, there are always discussions to participate in on Discord, where we are over 400 members at the moment. Maybe a digital community is extra important in these times of covid?

What’s new and what is coming next?

Hugin Boards

As usual, only you as a user have access to your private keys, and all communication takes place without involving external servers or intermediaries. The communication is encrypted through a node, which anyone can set up. The new thing about Hugin Boards is a type of social network built on the Kryptokrona blockchain. This allows you to communicate with your friends or co-workers completely anonymously without involving a third party.

Hugin Boards is currently at an early stage, but the benefits and possibilities of what it can be used for are countless. Start a group chat with your friends or run a small forum – everything completely anonymously and out of reach of closure from governments or companies. Because Hugin is built on the Kryptokrona blockchain, it is also impossible to expose to so-called DDoS attacks (an overload attack that prevents normal use of the service). You can read more about Hugin Boards here.

New design

Kryptokrona pools

To improve the user experience Kryptokrona has been given a new look in Pools and Explorer. The start page and other parts of the website have also been given some new and fresh graphic updates.

Altilly refunds


One of last year’s more bitter events was, of course, the hack on Altilly – one of the exchanges Kryptokrona could be traded. Thankfully those who had cryptocurrencies on the exchange and applied for a refund now seem to be getting their coins back. Altilly started refunds on 2021-01-30 and this will be be done in alphabetical order. Of course, we keep our fingers crossed and hope everyone gets their coins back to their personal wallets.

Do you want to contribute to the donation fund?

Donations can help Kryptokrona finance listings on larger exchanges or other developments.

We accept donations to the following addresses:

  • BTC
  • ETH
  • LTC
  • XKR